Les Mythologies de Maurice Renoma s’exposent à Nice

La galerie Depardieu à Nice accueille Maurice Renoma et ses « Mythologies » du 27 avril au 3 juin 2023 à l’occasion d’un exposition insolite. Sa collection de photographies met en exergue le féminin et le masculin qui cohabitent en chacun de nous, et propose une vision cocasse et apaisée de la dualité femme/homme.

Pour en savoir plus : https://www.mauricerenoma.com/galerie-depardieu-nice-2023

Maurice Renoma expose en Caroline du Nord


Du 10.02 au 12.02.17
France Pavilion, qui met en lumière la créativité d’artistes contemporains français mondialement connus, expose les Mythologies du photographe, scénographe et designer Maurice Renoma.
L’exposition aura lieu à l’Historic Market Hall de Raleigh, Caroline du Nord, USA, édifice empreint de la culture américaine et chargé d’histoire.


Exposition de Maurice Renoma pour le Festival Nicéphore.

Maurice RENOMA présente « Mythologies » au festival NICÉPHORE+

Jusqu’au 30 octobre venez redécouvrir les « Mythologies » de Maurice Renoma !!
L’artiste expose ses photographies mi-hommes, mi-animales à la biennale internationale de la photographie Sténopé-Festival Nicephore.

Pendant 1 mois, jetez-vous dans la gueule du loup et libérez la bête qui est en vous à Clermont-Ferrand.

> Chapelle de l’ancien Hôpital général – rue sainte rose à Clermont-Ferrand
> ouvert au PubliC : du mardi au dimanche: de 14H à 18H


Grand Open of the pop-up renoma Café Gallery in Tokyo


Grand Open of the pop-up renoma Café Gallery in Tokyo

Exhibition “Mythologies” by Maurice Renoma

ITOCHU CORPORATION today announces to open the pop-up renoma Café Gallery in Tokyo at IDOL TOKYO (5-11-9, B1F Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, TOKYO) on October 24, in cooperation with the legendary French brand renoma which marked their 50th anniversary last year. renoma Café Gallery is opened first in Paris, then in Kuala Lumpur, and  this time finally in Japan.

The brand founder, Maurice Renoma will come to Japan for this opening. At the same venue, we present one of   renoma’s famous works called “Mythologies” collection. Not only fashion director, but also his remarkable achievement as a photographer in the past few years, he has maintained energetic activities on art, photography, exhibitions, scenography and music.

Maurice Renoma

October 23,1963, White House – renoma boutique opened its door on Rue de la Pompe in Paris and brought about a revolution on menswear by creating a fashion dedicated to young people. Maurice Renoma and his brother Michel shattered the dress codes of conservatism with their double-breasted blazers with four silver metal buttons, or made of military cloth, their revisited Us-Army flared trousers, their ultra-fitted suits made in green, garnet

red or purple velvet, theirs shirts cut in furnishing fabrics.

For young students from Janson de Sailly High-School, for the Drugstore Gang and for artists and political figures, renoma

boutique soon became the place to be for a new unconventional  and uncompromising fashion. There, you could bump into Dali, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, John Lennon, Andy Warhol, Jacques Dutronc, Serge Gainsbourg, Karl Lagerfeld, Yves Saint-Laurent, Françoise Hardy, Catherine Deneuve, Brigitte Bardot, and Jean Seberg.

Since 1970, renoma products are sold all over the world. Maurice Renoma still passionate about fashion extends his creativity to various fields: lifestyle, design, the renoma Café Gallery and the photo exhibitions. From his advertising campaigns with Birkin and Gainsbourg to his transgressive graphic designs about James Dean, Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones or the Beat Generation, he shares his eccentric and timeless world view.

Maurice Renoma Presents “Mythologies”

Maurice Renoma’s photographs amusedly bear witness to the “Human Comedy” daily acted by those funny characters,

by human. They are an invitation to play and thought by calling upon humor and burlesque.

Maurice Renoma’s Mythologies are played with elegant or casual outfits: his photographs of men with a monkey’s, a dog’s or a horse’s head.

“Come on, we are petty beings! A dog, a monkey?  Not even, we are simply human.”

New renoma Flash Back Collection

Original “renoma Flash Back Collection” was debuted last year when renoma celebrated its 50th anniversary.

This time, renoma’s synonym, signature blazers will be revealed which all the styles are exclusively modified for Japanese customers.

renoma Café Gallery

The renoma Café Gallery opens on the Avenue George V in Paris, which concept is “Lieu de vie” (living space), dedicated to eating out, photography, image and fashion.

The renoma Café Gallery is much more than just a restaurant; it is a real hub of social activity combining an art gallery, a boutique and a fine dining establishment.

This time, we will open one-day renoma Café Gallery in Tokyo. We will also present renoma’s precious archive collection to share with you the true renoma spirit and heritage which still lives over 50 years.

renoma Café Gallery Tokyo

DateOctober 24th , 2014 11am – 20pm


Address: 5-11-9, B1F Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku

Phone: 03-6427-4779

Please note that we will have a reception on October 23th night.


Vidéo :: Maurice Renoma présente Mythologies II

Maurice Renoma présente Mythologies II
Le couturier-photographe met cette fois en exergue la part féminine et la part masculine qui existent et cohabitent en nous.
Une exposition à découvrir au Souplex, 129 bis rue de la Pompe, Paris 16ème >> jusqu’au 31 mai 2013.